Montag, 30. Mai 2016

Youth Hostel

I have seen the river Fulda from its wet side

 After 30km, the rain stopped and made it easy to climb over a litte hill in oder to reach Göttingen. I bought all the neccesary things for a camping dinner from the local Netto Store. 

The sky did look interessting but a little threatening.

So I opted to drive the extra mile to the Youth Hostel of Heidesheim. No need to mention that it is on the highest point of the town. 

After 5 minutes ⛈

Finaly, the rain caught me. Now changing to serious rain gear and go!!! 🤓

Sonntag, 29. Mai 2016

a long day

Today started with rain. As predicted. But only for 30 minutes. It wasn't sunny the whole time, but that did not matter.

About an hour later, I met Florian Cerbeaux from Bordeaux, France on a bench next to the road. He had a fully packed travelling bicycle and was preparing his breakfast. We talked a little and it turned out that he is on his way to the North Cape too. After the break we cycled together for this day. 

Florian was heading to Kassel so we rode together that day. This changed my planned trip lenngh from 90 to 145km. These last kilometers had been pretty hard, but I was happy to arrivie at the Youth Hostel, checked in, took a shower and enjoyed my dinner. 

Samstag, 28. Mai 2016

First day - no rain

 Today is the first day of the rest of this tour. Which is all.

Just that my first beer is 1000km away...

On the pushbike !

Frankfurt - Riederwald : Giving my tires the right (high) pressure helped for a good start. 

According to the weather forecast, it should have rained. Rain and thunderstorms are predicted for the next days. I started anyway. You never know, sometimes you wait and the day turns out to be just sunny. That is exactly what had happened today.

So, today, I made it to Fulda. 

The further route is not fully fixed, planned is Kassel - Rostock -Trelleborg - und up North...

Freitag, 27. Mai 2016

The bags are packed

everything is prepared for my next trip to Scandinavia. If the weather is not totally bad tomorrow (as they say in the TV), I will start tomorrow from my hometown Frankfurt.